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December, 19th 2009
Venice: People Mover funicular is going to arrive

Moving from Tronchetto to Piazzale Roma
in three minutes instead of fifteen.

These are travel times of People Mover, the funicular train that will start up in March and has been introduced by a conference press in Ca’ Annelise in Piazzale Roma, where Massimo Cacciari, the Mayor of Venice, Enrico Mingardi, town councilor for the Mobility, Giorgio Nardo, the Chairman of Asm took part in.
The little railway will travel in altitude and it will have four coaches per train, with a maximum capability of 200 people ( 50 per each coach) for each direction.
The system is automatic, without train crew. It is a revolutionary work, as the Chairman Nardo defined it, wanted by the Municipality of Venice, thought and managed by Asm (Services to the Mobility Company) and planned by the architect Francesco Cocco, a Venetian man living in Rovereto. The maximum speed of the trains will be 26 km/h and the maximum capability will be 3.000 people per hour for each direction.

The way, long 857 metres completely in altitude (the maximum height difference is six metres and half), has been completed in the middle of September of this year, with the rail bridge launch on the Tronchetto Canal ( 176 metres from a bank to the other). Another rail bridge is that on Santa Chiara Canal, close to Piazzale Roma, long about 50 metres, and it has been inaugurated on the last 10th June.
“The cost of the works is about 18 million of euros – Nardo has clarified - 50% financed by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructures and the other 50% by Asm, operating arm of the Municipality of Venice, regarding the mobility, that will manage the service”.







Re-evolution s.r.l. Via delle Macchine, 2 30175 - Venezia (Marghera), Italy - PIVA 03778270276
Registro Imprese VE - C.F. 03778270276 - R.E.A. VE 337650 - Cap.Soc. Euro 10.000,00 i.v.
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